St. Louis CE Practice Case - Housing (Lankford) [key]

DO NOT USE - STL TEAM ONLY - assign ticket to STL TEAM

This key is designed for SysAdmin on Helpdesk to quickly review St. Louis CE practice case Lankford for accuracy.  In order to view all the required items, please be sure to shadow the user with the EDA set to "St. Louis CE - Joint Prioritization List" for the assessments. 


Client Record

  1. Confirm the client record table is complete (veteran)
  2. Confirm the client demographics table is complete
  3.  Confirm the ICA St. Louis CE - Client Profile table is complete 
    1. Level of disclosure: Share ALL eligible information
    2. Use Case Number or Name: Use my/our NAMES
    3. Agency: Youknighted Weigh
    4. User Name
    5. Client Signature Date: 02/21/2020
    6. Expiration Date: 11/01/2020

Household Tab

1. Two Parent Family:  Stan Lee (self), Luna Marie (wife), and Marco Luis (son)

Entry/Exit Tab  All three family members should be checked in

(1a) Project Start (2/21/2020) - *answers for Stan, Luna, and Marco unless otherwise noted

  1. Agency Completing/Updating Assessment:  Youknighted Weigh
  2. Confirm the client demographics table is complete
  3. Relationship to Head of Household:   Self (Stan) -  Head of Household Spouse or Partner (Luna) - Head of Household's Child (Marco)
  4. Disabling Condition:  No (Stan/Luna), Yes (Marco)
  5. Zipcode: 63033, Full reported
  6. Client Location (CoC): St. Louis County
  7. Client Location (County): St. Louis City
  8. Residence Prior to entry: Place Not Meant for Habitation   (Stan and Luna)
  9. Length of Stay: 90 days or more, but less than a year   (Stan and Luna)
  10. Approximate date homelessness started: 11/23/2019  (Stan and Luna)
  11. Number of times: Three times (Stan),  One time (Luna)
  12. Number of months: 9 (Stan), 4 (Luna)
  13. Current Living Situation:  2/21/2020, 2/21/2020, Place Not Meant for Habitation, Youknighted Weigh (Living Situation verified by)   (Stan and Luna)
  14. C.E. Interactions and Attempts - BLANK
  15. Have you ever served on active duty: Yes (Stan), No (Luna)
  16. Were you ever called into active duty: No (Stan and Luna)
  17. Have you ever received healthcare from a VA medical provider: Yes or No (Stan), No (Luna)

Household CE Details - *answers only under Stan

  1. Agency Completing/Updating Assessment:  Youknighted Weigh
  2. St. Louis CE Client Status: Homeless - Place Not Meant for Habitation
  3. Reconfirm the C.E. Participation Agreement is filled out
    1. Level of disclosure: Share ALL eligible information
    2. Use Case Number or Name: Use my/our NAMES
    3. Agency: Youknighted Weigh
    4. User Name
    5. Client Signature Date: 02/21/2020
    6. Expiration Date: 11/01/2020
  4. Confirm the Coordinated Entry Assessment
    1. Date of CE assessment: 2/21/2020
    2. Assessment Type: In Person
    3. Assessment Level: Housing Needs Assessment
    4. Prioritization Status: Placed on the Prioritization List
  5. Confirm the Contact Information table is complete
    1. 2/21/2020 - email address -
    2. 2/21/2020 - Mobile phone - 314-555-1234
  6. Confirm Emergency Contacts
    1. Luna Marie, wife, mobile, 314-999-3876
  7. Confirm the Case Manager Contact Information table is complete
    1. Alyssa Jones, OTHER(SPECIFY): Guardian Angel, 314-777-7894
    2. User name,Youknighted Weighphone number, email
  8. Confirm Housing/Service matching information section is complete
    1. St. Louis City, Yes, No, City and County

Vi-SPDAT - *answers only under Stan

  1. Confirm that a Vi-SPDAT was completed in the family section

Eligibility Questionnaire - *answers only under Stan

  1. Agency Completing/Updating Assessment:  Youknighted Weigh
  2. No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No

Assessment Tab (only for Veteran Users!)

Veteran Questionnaire - *answers only under Stan

As of right now, there is nothing to check for this assessment.

SYSTEM ADMINS: Assign to St. Louis Team to add a housing referral & let the user know for the next step what project to work under


Client Record *record for Stan only

1. CE interaction & attempts:  2/25/2020, ATTEMPT:unable to communicate with client, AGENCY THAT THE USER WORKS FOR


Household Tab

1. Two Parent Family:  Stan Lee (self), Luna Marie (wife), Marco Luis (son), and Emma Gloria (daughter)    *Marco may have been deleted from the household due to differences in teaching

Entry/Exit Tab 

(1c) Project Exit   (3/1/2020)  *record for Marco

1. Completed Program; Staying or Living with Family Permanent Tenure

(1a) Project Start (3/1/2020) *record for Emma Gloria

  1. Agency Completing/Updating Assessment:  AGENCY THAT THE USER WORKS FOR
  2. Confirm the client demographics table is complete
  3. Relationship to Head of Household:   Head of Household's Child 
  4. Disabling Condition:  No 
  5. Zipcode: 63033, Full reported   (or unknown)
  6. Client Location (CoC): St. Louis City or St. Louis County     this will depend on their agency/project
  7. Client Location (County): St. Louis City

(1b) Project Update   (3/1/2020)  *record for Stan and Luna

  1. Agency Completing/Updating Assessment: AGENCY THAT THE USER WORKS FOR
  2. Client Location (CoC): St. Louis City or St. Louis County  this will depend on their agency/project
  3. Client Location (County): St. Louis City
  4. Current Living Situation:  3/1/2020, 3/1/2020, Emergency Shelter, AGENCY THAT THE USER WORKS FOR (Living Situation verified by)   (Stan and Luna)

Household CE Details - *answers only under Stan

  1. Agency Completing/Updating Assessment: AGENCY THAT THE USER WORKS FOR
  2. St. Louis CE Client Status: Homeless - Emergency Shelter
  3. Confirm the Coordinated Entry Assessment
    1. Date of CE assessment: 3/1/2020
    2. Assessment Type: In Person
    3. Assessment Level: Housing Needs Assessment
    4. Prioritization Status: Placed on the Prioritization List
  4. Confirm the Contact Information table is complete 
    1. 2/21/2020 - MOBILE - ended 2/29/2020
    2. 3/1/2019 - MOBILE - 314-867-5309

  5. Confirm the Case Manager Contact Information table is complete
    1. Alyssa Jones, Guardian Angel, 314-777-7894 - ended 2/29/2020
    2. Michael Smith, VAMC St,Louis Hope Recovery Center,

  6. Housing/Service Matching Information:  St. Louis City, NO, no, City/County


Project Start into their own housing project (3/1/2020)

This assessment can be left blank. We just need them to show they know to put the client into their program.


1. Housing referral should be updated to "Accepted on Waitlist"


Entry/Exit Tab 

(1c) Project Exit (3/16/2020) *record for Stan, Luna, and Emma unless otherwise noted

  1. Completed Program; Rental by client with RRH or Permanent Housing (other than RRH)   this will depend on the agency/project
  2. Agency Completing/Updating Assessment: AGENCY THAT THE USER WORKS FOR   (Stan and Luna)
  3. Current Living Situation: 3/16/2020, 3/16/2020, Rental by client with RRH or Permanent Housing (other than RRH), AGENCY THAT THE USER WORKS FOR (Living Situation verified by), and NO (is the client going to have to leave their current living situation)   (Stan and Luna)
  4. St. Louis CE Client Status: Housed
  5. If Housed, Select Housing Project:   AGENCY/PROJECT THE USER WORKS FOR

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