HUD Carli (family), part 2 (HP)

Now that you've finished the first part of your practice case, the second part is to record an interim review for the clients in the training site. To assist you in doing so, we've developed the following training materials and guides:

  • Training Video: HUD Interim Review, HP Services (password: CommunityServices)

    Please watch this training video that show you how to record an interim review, and update your client records (10 minutes).

  • Tip Sheet: Updating HUD Verifications (pdf)

    This tip sheet guides you through the steps of updating records for income, benefits, health insurance, and/or disabilities. We strongly encourage you to utilize this document while recording this exit. 

  • Practice Case: Carli (family), part 2

    Utilize the information on this form to record the interim review.

Use the link below to access the HMIS training site and complete the practice case.

Once you've finished recording an interim review for "Carli" on the training site, please reply to this message and provide the client ID number for your practice case so that we can check it. Please email helpdesk if you need assistance or aren’t sure how to proceed.  

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