ESG Street Outreach (Single), Part 1 (no services)
All applicable steps of this practice case must be completed satisfactorily by [DATE] at 5 pm or your training will be closed, and a designated authorized representative of your agency will need to re-submit the required forms for you to be trained, at which point you will be required to start over from the beginning.
There are four parts to the ESG Street Outreach practice case. The first part of your practice case is to enter the client into the training site. To assist you in doing so, we've developed the following training materials and guides:
Training Video: ESG Street Outreach, Entry (password: CommunityServices)
Please watch this training video on the ESG Street Outreach Entry process. It lasts approximately 12 minutes, and you can watch it as many times as you need to.
Workflow: ClientPoint---ESG-SO-Singles-Workflow.pdf
This workflow guides you through the steps of entering, updating, and exiting the client from ESG Street Outreach funded projects. We strongly encourage you to utilize this document while entering your practice case, and that you keep it handy while you finish the entire practice case and while entering real clients into the live site.
Practice Case: ESG Street Outreach, Part 1 Entry
This form should be treated as if it were an intake form. Utilize the information on the form to create the client records and enter the clients into the project.
Here are some specific details you'll need to complete the practice case:
- Community Services Training Site URL:
- Training Site Username:
- Training Site Temporary Password:
*This password will show was expired. Please create a new password when the red text prompts you to do so.
Please enter your practice case into the following project:
Once you've finished entering Part 1 into the training site, please reply to this message and provide the client ID number for your practice case so that we can check it. If at any time you have questions or aren't sure how to proceed, please contact us by replying to this message.