BoS CoC CES Level 2-3 Access Point, Part 1 (Clyde w/ services)

BoS CoC CES Level 2-3 Access Points can assess clients who are at risk of homelessness for Prevention/Diversion resources and can add clients who are literally homeless to the Prioritization List to be considered for housing opportunities. This training module will cover how to enter data for a client who is literally homeless so that the enrollment process for placement on the Prioritization List can be reviewed. 

The first part of your practice case is to enter the client and family into the training site. To assist you in doing so, we've developed the following training materials and guides:

  • Training Video: BoS CoC CES Level 2-3 Access Point (password: CommunityServices).

    Please watch this comprehensive video training, which will take approximately 45 minutes.

  • Workflow: BoS CoC CES Level 2-3 Workflow

    This workflow guides you through the steps of recording client information and services for Level 2-3 Access Points. We strongly encourage you to utilize this document while entering your practice case, and that you keep it handy while entering real clients into the live site.

  • Practice Case: BoS CES Level 2-3 Access Point, Clyde Part 1
  • This form should be treated as if it were an intake form. Utilize this information to create a client record, build a household, complete the Crisis Needs Assessment, enroll the household into a project entry for the CES provider, record Coordinated Entry Access Event, and record Coordinated Entry Referral Events.
  • Tip Sheets
    • Coordinated Entry Events and Coordinated Assessments

      This tip sheet provides you with guidance about the correct way to record Coordinated Entry Events and Coordinated Entry Assessment sub-assessments, including a reference guide to the Provider Locations you will utilize when recording referrals for emergency shelter, transitional housing, rapid rehousing, and permanent supportive housing programs.

Here are some specific details you'll need to complete the practice case:

Once you're finished with Part 1, please reply to the helpdesk email and provide the HMIS Client ID so that we can review your practice case. Please email helpdesk if you need assistance or aren't sure how to proceed. 

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