Report Request Form

This form allows all CoCs, agencies, end users, ICA staff, and external stakeholders to make a custom report request from ICA Missouri’s Reporting Team.

Please review this document before making a request so that you are ready with all required information.

Report Request Overview

All reports requests, whether you’d like a new report, custom data, or have an idea to improve an existing report, should use this form. Requests made in-person, over email or chat, etc. will be redirected to this request form.

Reporting Team will acknowledge receipt of the custom request within 72 hours.  Once we've reviewed the request, we will reach out with any needed clarifications. We will then respond to requests within 7-10 days with an estimate for completion. If applicable, we'll send a proposed statement of work, including the report specifications, as well as a time estimate based on complexity and workload. September - March is our busy season: the more notice you can give, the better.

Please note that we cannot meet all report requests. Due to limited reporting capacity, we will prioritize requests that benefit multiple stakeholders, such as statewide or CoC-wide datasets. Report delivery times will vary depending on priority requests, mandated reporting cycles, and other outstanding projects. 

How do I access the form?

The form can be found here. The form is based in Formstack and automatically sends your submission to the helpdesk.

How do I use the form?

Contact Information

  • CoC Committee or Workgroup
    • We want to know: which CoC this committee belongs to, the committee or workgroup name, and the requestor’s role in the committee or workgroup.
  • Agency
    • We want to know: the name of the agency, the requestor’s position at the agency, whether the agency enters data into HMIS, which CoC the report request is being made for, and the purpose of the request. If the request is for a grant application, additional questions will appear asking for a copy of the grant application and the application due date. If the request is for reporting to funders, a question about which funder the report is for will appear.
  • For ICA staff, there are no additional questions in this section.
    • If you do not fall into one of the above categories, please use the ‘Other’ option and use the text box to explain what organization you are from.

Request Type

This section asks about the nature of the request being made. A request can be:

  1. Request for New Report: You would like a new report that you will be able to run on your own
  2. Custom Data Pull: You would like us to provide a one-time report of data that cannot be obtained by existing reports
  3. Feature Enhancement to an existing report: You have a great idea to add to a current report
  4. Bug in existing report: You have noted an issue in a current report

This section also asks if there is a Requested Delivery Date. If yes, you will be prompted to enter that date and any explanation. If you are making a request in advance of a grant application, you likely will have a requested date. However, you may mark ‘no’ if there is no specific timeline needed. Please note that this requested date will be used only for planning purposes. Actual delivery time will depend upon request complexity and Reporting Team prioritization and workload. For requests that do have a hard deadline, please give as much notice as possible. We cannot guarantee that the request will be fulfilled by the deadline.

Depending on the type of request you are making, a different set of questions will appear after you hit ‘Next’ in the bottom right corner.

Custom Report Request: New Report or Data Pull

Request types ‘Request for New Report’ and ‘Custom Data Pull’ both lead to this section.

General Information

First, you will be asked a series of questions about the description of the request, what the purpose of the requested report or data is, and who will view the data. For all, please be as specific as possible.

ServicePoint Information

Next, there are some questions relating to the ServicePoint information you wish to see in the report or data pull: which HMIS provider(s) should be included, which workflow should be included (Entry Exit, Needs, Services, and Referrals, Shelter Stays), and if there are specific data elements needed. Please be as specific as possible, and include full project names as found in ServicePoint.

How the Data Should be Presented

Next, there are questions about how you want the report to present the data. First it will ask if you want to count individuals and/or households, if you want aggregated and/or client-level data, the report start date, and if there is an end date (if not, the end date will be the current date when the report is run).

Finally, it will ask for an upload of a sketch, photo, or word or excel file of the layout of the request. This is not required, but highly recommended so that we can better understand your request.

Final Information

Finally, we would like to know if this is a one-time request or will be ongoing (and if so, at what frequency) and provide a space for you to add any additional information you think would be helpful for us to fulfill your request.

Custom Report Request: Feature Enhancement or Bug Notification

Request types ‘Feature Enhancement to existing report’ and ‘Bug in existing report’ both lead to this section.

Existing Report

First, you will be asked to identify the full name of the report as it appears in BusinessObjects as well as the full report path.

Feature Enhancement

We first want to know what your idea is to enhance the report and then how you will use the updated report. We also ask for an upload of a sketch, photo, or word or excel file of the layout of the request. This is not required, but highly recommended so that we can better understand your request.

Bug Notification

We ask you to describe the bug or issue you found in the report. Please be specific as possible, and provide examples, such as client IDs that are showing problematic information.

Final Information

Finally, we provide a space for you to add any additional information you think would be helpful for us to fulfill your request.

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