Understanding the Successful Exits/Retention Report
The Successful Exits/Retention Report is built based upon HUD's System Performance Measure 7: Successful Placement from Street Outreach and Successful Placement in or Retention of Permanent Housing. The calculations are programmed to align with the specifications provided by HUD for this measure. To learn more about the original measure itself, we encourage you to view the video that HUD has created about the specific measure (see below).
Report need-to-know | |
Who runs this report? | ICA, as the HMIS Lead Agency. |
Can agencies run this report? | Yes and no. Agencies can run a similar report for their own projects, but cannot run this report at a CoC/community level. |
Who gets this report? | Upon request, ICA provides this report to committees and task forces that oversee program performance. ICA typically needs at least one to two weeks notice to provide the report, but this can vary based upon current reporting workload. |
HUD-Developed Resources
This video is from the HUD Exchange.
A transcript of this video is available here (pdf).
Frequently Asked Questions
Why did ICA develop this report?
This report was requested, in various formats, from multiple CoCs within the Missouri implementation.
How did ICA develop this report?
ICA started with the original report developed by WellSky (the vendor) and then modified it to meet the requests of the CoCs. The report looks at outcomes based upon project type:
Street Outreach
Who is counted? All clients who exit street outreach during the report period.
What is a positive outcome? Exits to any temporary destinations, some institutional destinations, and any permanent destinations.
Emergency Shelter, Safe Havens, Transitional Housing, Rapid Rehousing & Other Permanent Housing
Who is counted? All clients who exited emergency shelter, safe havens, transitional housing, or rapid rehousing programs within the report period, as well as clients who exited other permanent housing without moving into project-provided housing.
What is a positive outcome? Exits to permanent destinations.
Other Permanent Housing (includes Permanent Supportive Housing, Permanent Housing Only, and Permanent Housing with Services)
Who is counted? All clients who exited other permanent housing who had been housed by the project, plus any clients who remained in the project as of the end of the report period.
What is a positive outcome? Clients who exited to permanent destinations, plus all clients who remained in the program at the end of the report period.
Note: ICA adapted the System Performance Measure #7 report provided by WellSky. Instead of showing each of the above as separate categories, the ICA report provides only the percentage that applies to the specific project type, broken out for each project included in the report.
Are any clients excluded from the report?
Yes, a handful of clients are excluded based upon their destination. The project type, plus the excluded destinations, are listed below.
Emergency Shelter
- Hospital or other residential non-psychiatric medical facility
- Residential project or halfway house with no homeless criteria
- Deceased
All Other Project Types
- Foster care home or foster care group home
- Hospital or other residential non-psychiatric medical facility
- Long-term care facility or nursing home
- Deceased
How are unknown destinations handled?
Unknown destinations, which are listed below, are considered negative outcomes regardless of project type.
- Client doesn't know
- Client refused
- Data not collected
- No exit interview completed
- Other
Will the Successful Exits/Retention report match my CoC-APR or ESG-CAPER?
The numbers will usually be identical, but may be slightly different in one specific circumstance. The Successful Exits/Retention report will include only the most recent exit in the event clients exit from multiple projects within the report period.
Can I see HUD's programming specifications myself?
Absolutely. They're available on the HUD Exchange: CoC System Performance Measures Programming Specs
What if I have questions that haven't been answered?
If you still have questions that haven't been answered above, we encourage you to reach out to our helpdesk.
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