STJ CES Access Points - Recording Contacts for Clients on the PL

Clients on the STJ CE Prioritization List (PL) must be contacted at least every 90 days to maintain their active status. The Current Living Situation (CLS) is used to document contacts with all adults, and those recorded for the HoH will be used to monitor that 90-day requirement. This tip sheet will provide guidance on the different ways to record contacts for clients on the active PL. The most recent CLS recorded for the HoH will pull on the PL and should be reviewed regularly. The List Holder will be responsible for removing all clients from the PL who are past 90 days without contact, and Access Points will need to exit those clients from their STJ CES enrollment.

Recording a Contact in the Entry Assessment

To give the client contact time frame a starting point, you will record a CLS in the STJ CES Housing Needs - Entry Assessment when the client is enrolled into your STJ CES Provider. Click Add in the Current Living Situation sub-assessment.

In the CLS sub-assessment, the Start Date will auto-populate to the Back Date previously set as the Project Start Date. Verify that is correct, enter the Information Date as the same date, then select the appropriate response from the Current Living Situation dropdown list. Leave all other fields blank and click Save.

Recording a contact through an Interim

If contact is made with a client after project enrollment and changes are reported that need to be updated, you will need to add an Interim – Update and record a new CLS using this process. Click on the Interims icon for your providers enrollment, then click Add Interim Review.

Ensure all household members are included by having the box to the left of their client ID checked. Set the Interim Review Type as Update. The Review Date will auto-populate to the Back Date set as the Interim date, so ensure that is correct, then click Save & Continue.

Once you are in the Update assessment, make any changes reported, and add a new CLS record (even if the client's situation has not changed) by clicking Add and completing the Current Living Situation sub-assessment as previously described. The Start Date will auto-populate to the Back Date previously set as the Interim Date. Verify that is correct, enter the Information Date as the same date, then select the appropriate response from the Current Living Situation dropdown list. Leave all other fields blank and click Save.

Recording a Contact on the Assessments tab

If an attempted contact was unsuccessful, or if the client is contacted and did not report any changes needed, then a contact will be recorded in the STJ CES Case Conferencing Housing Plan on the Assessments tab. Click Add to record a new Current Living Situation.

Follow the process previously outlined to record your contact. If an attempted contact was unsuccessful, select " Worker unable to determine (HUD)" as the Current Living Situation response.

Remember, the List Holder will remove all clients past 90 days without contact from the PL, and each Access Point will need to exit those clients from their STJ CES enrollment.

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