STJ CES List Holder & PSH/RRH Providers - Project Entries through CE

The Project Entries through STJ Coordinated Entry report is designed to show whether each applicable project entry into permanent housing came through the coordinated entry system as documented within the HMIS. Providers who are mandated to receive project entries through Coordinated Entry are strongly encouraged to run this report on a regular basis. Should they find information that appears inconsistent with their internal records, providers should follow the troubleshooting steps outlined in the “Identifying and Fixing Errors” section below.

Running the Report

Report Path

  > Public Folder
    > missouri_live_folder
      > St. Joseph CoC
        > Project Entries through STJ Coordinated Entry

Recommended Export Format

Schedule to Microsoft Excel - Reports

Setting the Prompts

Prompt Instructions
Enter value(s) for CoC Code(s): This prompt is set to "MO - 603 St. Joseph/Andrew, Buchanan, DeKalb Counties" by default, which will cause the report to pull in all housing projects in the CoC. If you wish to look only at specific housing projects in the CoC, change this prompt to "none selected."
Select Reporting Group(s): Select the reporting group for which you wish to run the report. 
Note: If this prompt is completed, the "Enter Values for CoC Code(s):" prompt and the "Select Provider(s):" prompt must be left to "none selected" or left incomplete (blank).
Select Provider(s): Select the project(s) for which you wish to run the report.
Note: If this prompt is completed, the "Enter value(s) for CoC Code(s):" prompt and the "Select Reporting Group" prompt must be left to "none selected" or left incomplete (blank).
EDA Provider If only one project is selected in the "Select Provider(s):" prompt above, select the same project here. 
If more than one project is selected in the "Select Provider(s):" prompt or if a reporting group has been selected in "Select Reporting Group:" prompt, then select one of the projects within the selected projects or reporting group. 
Note: If this prompt is completed, the "Enter value(s) for CoC Code(s):" prompt must be left to "none selected" or left incomplete (blank).
Enter effective date Enter the date after the last date of the reporting period in m/d/yyyy format. For example, if you're running a report for 7/1/2020-6/30/2021, the date entered in this box would be 7/1/2021.
Start Date: Enter the start date for the reporting period in m/d/yyyy format. For example, if you're running a report for 7/1/2020-6/30/2021, the date entered in this box would be 7/1/2020.
End Date: Enter the date after the last date of the reporting period in m/d/yyyy format. For example, if you're running a report for 7/1/2020-6/30/2021, the date entered in this box would be 7/1/2021.

Using the Report

Logic of the Report

This report uses very specific logic to determine whether to indicate that the project entry is connected to a coordinated entry referral. In particular, it follows these steps:
  1. The report checks for clients with project entries into permanent housing projects within the date range specified by the report prompts. 
  2. For those client records selected in step 1, the system then looks at the household "groups" to determine if anyone in the group had a referral through coordinated entry (i.e. issued by the STJ CoC CES - List Holder(1565) provider). 
  3. If a referral is found in step 2, the system then looks to see if the project entry and the referral were made to the same provider. If any member of the group had a matching referral, all members of the group are deemed to have been referred through coordinated entry. 
  4. If no matching project entry and referral are found in step 3, the client(s) associated with the permanent housing entry is (are) deemed to have not been referred through coordinated entry.

Notes & Clarifications

The logic of the report does not factor in the following information:
  • Which front door provider initially assessed the client.
  • The "need status," "need outcome," or "referral outcome" of the referral from coordinated entry as documented in HMIS.
  • Whether a move-in date has been recorded within the Entry/Exit tab.
  • Whether a service has been recorded on the referral to indicate the housing move-in date.
  • If the client was a transfer from another project. 

Identifying & Fixing Errors

After reviewing the report, if you've identified any clients for whom a referral to your program from coordinated entry was made but the report shows that they were not referred by coordinated entry, the first step is to send an email to the coordinated entry lead agency (Interfaith Community Services, Inc.) containing: the head of household's ServicePoint ID (do not include client names), the project to which they were referred, and the date they were referred to your project. In the email, explain that the client was referred by coordinated entry but that the Project Entries through STJ Coordinated Entry report indicates that they were not sent through coordinated entry. 
Upon receipt of your email, the coordinated entry lead agency will first verify that the client was referred to your project by coordinated entry. If the client was referred through coordinated entry, the next step they will take is to ensure that the referral was properly documented in the HMIS. If the coordinated entry lead agency identifies any issues on their end, they will fix them and let you know. If they do not identify any issues or identify issues they cannot fix, they will forward the email request to the ICA Missouri Helpdesk. The ICA Missouri Helpdesk will then communicate directly with you to determine what issues exist and may request additional information from you in order to fix the issue. 
Note: If the coordinated entry lead agency states that the client was not referred through coordinated entry, the ICA Missouri Helpdesk will not make any adjustments to the client record. 

Tips & Reminders

Documentation of Coordinated Entry Referrals
While it is a requirement that referrals from coordinated entry be documented within the HMIS, agencies are strongly encouraged to maintain backup documentation outside of the HMIS. For example, if you receive an email from the coordinated entry lead agency stating that client [12345] has been referred to your project, it is a good idea to store that email in a safe place, whether electronically or in a hardcopy format. That way, if the referral did not get recorded properly in HMIS, you could show that there was a coordinated entry referral for that client/household. 

Need Assistance?

If you need assistance running the report, understanding the information in the report, or troubleshooting potential errors, please reach out to the ICA Missouri Helpdesk. Include the name and date of the BusinessObjects report as it appears in your BI Inbox in your request for assistance. Do not attach the report to any emails going to the helpdesk as the report contains personally identifying information and cannot be transmitted unless encrypted.

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