BoS CES Access Points - Coordinated Entry Data Quality Report Guide: Part 2

Due to the high volume of client data being entered into the Balance of State Coordinated Entry System, data quality reports must be run frequently to address data quality issues in a timely manner. To meet the need for BoS CES Access Point Providers to effectively monitor their CE data, client information has been divided into two reports: BoS CES Assessments DQ Report Part 1 and BoS CES Assessments DQ Report Part 2.

Part 1 includes data collected for all clients during the initial part of the BoS CE intake process, such as Demographics and Income; COVID-19 Survey and P/D Assessment; Mainstream Referrals and HMIS ROI. Information in Part 1 is limited to the Head of Household only, and there must be a "Date P/D Assessment Completed" or a BoS CES enrollment for the selected provider within the report date range.

Part 2 focuses on the additional information collected, specifically for clients who are homeless, such as Prioritization Assessment and BoS CoC CE ROI; Homelessness History and Housing Plan; Housing Referrals and Exit Outcomes. Part 2 captures information relevant to all household members with an enrollment during the report date range.

This guide is specifically for Part 2, which BoS CES Level 2-3 and 4 Access Point Providers need to run on a regular basis to address data quality issues in a timely manner.

Report Path


  > Public Folder

    > missouri_live_folder

      > Balance of State CoC

        > BoS CES Assessments DQ Report Part 2

Recommended Export Format

Schedule to Microsoft Excel - Reports

Setting the Prompts

Prompt Instructions
Select Provider(s): Select the project(s) for which you wish to run the report. 
EDA Provider Select the project that was selected in the "Select Provider(s):" prompt above. 
Enter Report Start Date: Enter the start date for the reporting period in m/d/yyyy format. For example, if you're running a report for 7/1/2020-6/30/2021, the date entered in this box would be 7/1/2020.
Enter Report End Date: Enter the date after the last date of the reporting period in M/d/yyyy format. For example, if you're running a report for 7/1/2020-6/30/2021, the date entered in this box would be 7/1/2021.
Enter effective date Enter the date after the last date of the reporting period in M/d/yyyy format. For example, if you're running a report for 7/1/2020-6/30/2021, the date entered in this box would be 7/1/2021.

Using the Report

This report has 5 tabs, each serving a specific purpose.

Important! Because the report contains identifying information (names), the report cannot be emailed (even within agencies) unless encrypted, nor can it be shared outside of the agency. 

Entry & Interim Assessment

This tab includes all questions in the Entry & Interim Assessments, with the most recent responses for clients with a BoS CES enrollment (entry/exit date, or active) during the report date range for the selected provider. Review this tab for incomplete and inaccurate data and make the needed corrections in HMIS. Please see below for information about select columns on this tab.

General Information

The information in this section includes basic information about the client, including household information, project entry and exit dates, and client location. Pay particularly close attention to the Client Uid column and the Current County column, since errors in these fields fundamentally influence the prioritization process.

Column Explanation What to Do
Household ID
The client's household ID. By default, clients are grouped together by household ID.
Client Uid The client's Community Services ID.

Red Text : HoH's with a Prior Living Situation that does not meet the criteria for Category 1 homelessness (literally homeless) or Category 4 homelessness (fleeing domestic violence). 
If the client did in fact meet the criteria for Category 1 or Category 4 homelessness when the intake was completed, then the Prior Living Situation and/or DV information needs to be updated to reflect that. 

If the clients did not meet the criteria for Category 1 or Category 4 homelessness, then they need to be removed from the Prioritization List because they are not eligible to be prioritized for Rapid ReHousing and Permanent Supportive Housing resources.
Relationship to HoH The Relationship to Head of Household listed for each client at Project Entry into the Mo BoS CoC CES provider. Ensure that each household group has one and only one Head of Household.
Age Client's age at project entry. N/A
Entry Date Client's date of enrollment into the project. Review Project Entry dates. Ensure that clients with Project Entry dates longer than 60 days ago are still active and have up-to-date Current Living Situations. Ensure that recently added clients have had the ADD/REMOVE Subassessment completed so they will show up on the Prioritization List.
Exit Date Client's exit date from the project, if they have exited. Ensure that clients and all appropriate members of their households are exited when they are no longer active or if they become housed.
The CoC in which clients are seeking services.
Because all clients in this project are seeking services through the BoS Coordinated Entry process, this should be "MO - 606 MO Balance of State" for all clients.
Current County
The county in which the client is currently residing, regardless of where the client seeks services. This element is not applicable (NA) for children under 18.

Missing: HoHs with no current county listed.

Missing: Other adults with no current county listed.
Ensure that a current county is listed for all adults, and take special care to ensure that there is a current county for the HoH. Without a current county for the HoH, the client will not pull onto the correct regional prioritization lists.
Living Situation/Chronic Homelessness Status

Individuals and families who are chronically homeless receive the highest priority for services, and as such, it is absolutely essential that enough data is entered into HMIS to allow the system to determine whether the client is chronically homeless or not. As a reminder, HUD considers an individual to be chronically homeless only if the client has a disability and one of the two following criteria are met: 

  1. The client has spent the last 12+ consecutive months experiencing literal homelessness


  2. The client has had 4 or more separate episodes of homelessness in the past 3 years totaling up to 12+ months of literal homelessness
Column Explanation What to Do
Disabling Condition?
Indicates whether or not the client has a disabling condition that significantly impacts their ability to maintain employment and/or housing.
Ensure that all clients have an accurate and up-to-date answer listed in this field.

Whether or not a client has a disability is used to determine whether the client meets the HUD Definition of chronic homelessness. Incorrect or missing data in this field fundamentally impacts whether the client is being prioritized for services correctly.
Fleeing DV?
This indicates whether the client is fleeing domestic violence. This element is not applicable (NA) for children under 18.

Missing: Any HoH or adult with no answer provided.
Ensure that all HoHs and adults have an accurate and up-to-date answer listed in this field.

Fleeing Domestic Violence is one of the prioritization criteria, and if the client does not meet the criteria for Category 1 Homelessness, the answer to this question is used to determine whether a client meets the criteria for Category 4 Homelessness. Incorrect or missing data in this field fundamentally impacts whether the client is being prioritized for services correctly.
Prior Living Situation
This should reflect the client's living situation immediately prior to project enrollment, which will often, but not always be where the client stayed the night before. This does not refer to the client's last permanent housing situation.  This element is not applicable (NA) for children under 18.

Missing: Any HoH or adult with no answer provided.

"Client doesn't know" or "Client Refused": The client's homeless status cannot be determined.
Ensure that all clients have an accurate and up-to-date answer listed in this field.

This field determines whether the client meets the criteria for Category 1 homelessness . Incorrect or missing data in this field fundamentally impacts whether the client is being prioritized for services correctly.
Length of Stay in Previous Place
This field should reflect how long the client had stayed in their previous living situation immediately prior to project enrollment. This element is not applicable (NA) for children under 18.

Missing: Any HoH or adult with no answer provided.

"Client doesn't know" or "Client Refused": It may not be possible to determine the client's chronicity.

Black Text: Incongruent chronic homeless determination information was recorded.
Ensure that all clients have an accurate and up-to-date answer listed in this field.

For clients who may have been housed or doubled up the night before but who have now lost their housing and are seeking shelter and other homeless assistance services, please record the "Prior Living Situation" as literally homeless and record the "Length of Stay in Previous Place" as one day or less.

This field determines whether the client meets the criteria for Category 1 homelessness. Incorrect or missing data in this field fundamentally impacts whether the client is being prioritized for services correctly.
Approximate date homelessness started
This field should reflect the approximate date that the most recent episode of homelessness began.

Remember that any time that a client's homelessness is interrupted by 7 or more consecutive nights in a permanent or temporary housing situation or by 90 or more days in institutional settings, their approximate date of homelessness resets.

Missing: Any HoH or adult with no answer provided.
Ensure that all clients have an accurate and up-to-date answer listed in this field.

You will likely need to work with the client to identify the best approximate date that should be used. Many clients may initially tell you they have been homeless for several years, but after some discussion about where they have been living will reveal that while their housing instability has been going on for several years, their most recent episode of homelessness actually began 3 months ago.

This field determines when a client with a disability "ages in" to chronic homelessness after project entry. Incorrect or missing data in this field fundamentally impacts whether the client is being prioritized for services correctly.
Times homeless in past 3 years
This field should reflect the number of episodes of homelessness a client has experienced over the previous 3 years. This element is not applicable (NA) for children under 18.

Remember that any time that a client's homelessness is interrupted by 7 or more consecutive nights in a permanent or temporary housing situation or by 90 or more days in institutional settings, they begin a new episode of homelessness.

Missing: Any HoH or adult with no answer provided.

"Client doesn't know" or "Client Refused": It may not be possible to determine the client's chronicity.
Ensure that all clients have an accurate and up-to-date answer listed in this field.

You will likely need to engage with the client to identify the correct number of episodes of homelessness. Many clients may initially tell you they have been homeless for one long period of time, but after some discussion about where they have been living will reveal that they have had several breaks of 7 or more days in their homelessness in which they stayed with family/friends and that they have actually experienced 4 or more episodes of homelessness.

This field is used to determine whether the client meets the HUD Definition of chronic homelessness. Incorrect or missing data in this field fundamentally impacts whether the client is being prioritized for services correctly.
Total Months Homeless
This field should reflect the total number of months a client has spent literally homeless over the previous 3 years. This element is not applicable (NA) for children under 18.

Remember that if a client has spent a single night in a given month homeless, then the  entire month counts towards their total number of months homeless (e.g. A client reports that they were homeless from 10/29/22 to 12/3/22; we would count October, November, and December and end up with a total of 3 months).

Missing: Any HoH or adult with no answer provided.

"Client doesn't know" or "Client Refused": It may not be possible to determine the client's chronicity.

Black Text: Incongruent chronic homeless determination information was recorded.
Ensure that all clients have an accurate and up-to-date answer listed in this field.

You will likely need to engage with the client to identify the correct total number of months homeless. Help the client reconstruct an approximate timeline of their homelessness history and use the information they provide to help calculate the correct number of total months according to HUD's definition.

This field is used to determine whether the client meets the HUD Definition of chronic homelessness. Incorrect or missing data in this field fundamentally impacts whether the client is being prioritized for services correctly.
Chronic This field automatically calculates whether the client meets the HUD Definition of chronic homelessness using the data entered for Disabling Condition, Prior Living Situation, Length of Stay in Previous Place, Approximate Date Homelessness Started, Times Homeless in Past 3 Years, and Total Months Homeless.
Missing info: The HMIS is unable to determine the client's chronicity using the information provided.
Review the client's chronicity status for accuracy. If the information is missing or does not seem to be accurately identifying clients as Chronic or Not Chronic, then review the following questions for inaccuracies or inconsistencies: Disabling Condition, Prior Living Situation, Length of Stay in Previous Place, Approximate Date Homelessness Started, Times Homeless in Past 3 Years, and Total Months Homeless.
Current Living Situation

Remember that the Current Living Situation should be recorded for the HoH and all adults in the household at Project Entry and that it should be updated at least every 60 days to show that the client should remain on the Active Prioritization List.

Column Explanation What to Do
Days Since Last Contact
The number of days since the most recent Current Living Situation was recorded for the client. This element is not applicable (NA) for children under 18.

Missing: No Current Living Situation has been recorded.
Ensure that all clients have an accurate and up-to-date answer listed in this field.
Information Date
The date that the most recent Current Living Situation was recorded for the client. This element is not applicable (NA) for children under 18.

Missing: No Current Living Situation has been recorded.

"Date": It has been more than 60 days since the most recent Current Living Situation was recorded.
Ensure that all clients have an accurate and up-to-date answer listed in this field.

If the most recent Current Living Situation for a client is more than 60 days old, and the client is still homeless and seeking housing assistance, be sure to record an updated Current Living Situation even if there has been no change in where the client is staying.
The living situation documented when the most recent Current Living Situation was recorded for the client. This element is not applicable (NA) for children under 18.

Missing: No Current Living Situation has been recorded.
Ensure that all clients have an accurate and up-to-date answer listed in this field.

The Missouri Balance of State CoC Coordinated Entry System ROI is good for one year and needs to be recorded for the Head of Household.

Column Explanation What to Do
Level of Disclosure
This reflects the preference expressed by the HoH on the MO BoS CoC CES ROI regarding how much information to share and how the client/household will be identified during case conferencing.

Missing: No Level of Disclosure has been recorded.
Ensure that the HoH has an up-to-date MO BoS CoC CES ROI on file and that the appropriate level of disclosure has been accurately recorded.
Preferred ID
This reflects the preference expressed by the HoH on the MO BoS CoC CES ROI regarding whether they would like to be identified during case conferencing by name or by case number.

Missing: No preferred method of identification has been recorded.
Ensure that the HoH has an up-to-date MO BoS CoC CES ROI on file and that the preferred identification method has been accurately recorded.
CE ROI Expiration
This is the expiration date for the MO BoS CoC CES ROI, which should be one year to the day from when it was collected (e.g. if the ROI was collected on 12/1/2022, the end date should be listed as 12/1/2023.

Missing: No ROI Expiration Date has been recorded.

"Date": The MO BoS CoC CES ROI is expired.
Ensure that the HoH has an up-to-date MO BoS CoC CES ROI on file and that the CE ROI expiration date has been accurately recorded. One common error is to list the date the ROI was collected as the expiration date (e.g. the ROI was collected on 12/1/2022, and the ROI end date was accidentally recorded as 12/1/2022 as well).

Clients with a missing or expired CE Expiration Date will still pull onto the Prioritization List, but until these fields are recorded/updated, they will appear by case number regardless of their preferred level of disclosure and identification method.
Relocation information

Clients should be asked about whether they are willing to relocate to counties other than the one they are currently residing in. If the client is willing and able to do so, the Relocation County List should reflect the counties the client would reside in.

Column Explanation What to Do
Willing to relocate?


Relocation County List
This column indicates whether the client is willing and able to relocate to a county other than their current county for housing. If a client is willing to relocate, then the counties the client is willing to relocate to must be listed in the "Relocation County List."

yellow  : HoH's with missing information

Black text: Relocation information inconsistencies, including 1.) clients who have indicated that they  are willing to relocate but have no relocation county listed, and 2.) clients who have indicated that they are not willing to relocate, but a relocation county has been listed.
Verify whether the client is actually willing and able to relocate, and if so, which specific counties they could relocate to.

Based on that information, update the "Willing to relocate" and/or "Relocation County List" to eliminate any contradictions in the data.

Without accurate information about whether and where the client is willing to relocate, the client will not pull onto the correct regional prioritization lists.
VI-SPDAT Information

Regardless of whether the VI-SPDAT was completed on paper or using the VI-SPDAT sub-assessment in HMIS, the date and score must be entered here.

Column Explanation What to Do


These columns indicate the date and score of the most recently recorded VI-SPDAT.

yellow  : HoH's with missing information
Ensure that the HoH has accurate and up-to-date answers listed here.

The VI-SPDAT is used as one of the prioritization criteria. Incorrect or missing data in this field fundamentally impacts whether the client is being prioritized for services correctly.
BoS CES Prioritization List ADD/REMOVE

IMPORTANT: If you do not complete this sub-assessment for the HoH, the household will not be on the prioritization list. 

Column Explanation What to Do
PL Start Date
This column indicates the date that the BoS CES ADD/REMOVE subassessment was completed for the HoH, adding the household to the prioritization list.

redred  : HoHs with missing information
Ensure that each HoH has an accurate PL Start Date, indicating that the household has been added to the prioritization list. In addition, check to make sure that non-HoH household members do  not have a PL Start Date.

IMPORTANT: If you do not complete this sub-assessment for the HoH, the household will not be on the prioritization list. 

Homelessness History

This tab looks at Homelessness History sub-assessments recorded for all adults in the household with a BoS CES enrollment (entry/exit date, or active) during the report date range for the selected provider.

Review this tab for incomplete and inaccurate data, and make the needed corrections in HMIS. Some clients may have multiple records for each enrollment.

Exit Assessment

This tab includes all questions in the Exit Assessment, with the most recent responses for clients with a BoS CES enrollment (entry/exit date, or active) during the report date range for the selected provider.

Review this tab for incomplete and inaccurate data, and make the needed corrections in HMIS. Pay attention to the BoS CES Prioritization List ADD/REMOVE section to ensure the HoH was appropriately removed from the Prioritization List: Has a PL End Date if Exit Outcome is Housed or Inactive, and does not have a PL End Date if either Option 1 question is Yes.

Column Explanation What to Do
Client ID
The client's Community Services ID.

Red text: is used to indicate HoHs who have been exited from the Coordinated Entry project but who have not had the BoS CES Prioritization List ADD/REMOVE section filled out to properly remove the household from the Prioritization List.
Ensure that each HoH who has been exited has had the BoS CES Prioritization List ADD/REMOVE subassessment filled out to remove the household from the Prioritization List.

Housing Plan

This tab includes all questions in the Case Conferencing Housing Plan assessment, with the most recent responses for the HoH on the Entry & Interim Assessment tab. If the selected provider does not utilize this assessment, then this tab will be blank.

Housing Referrals

This tab captures housing referrals for all clients recorded in the report date range by the MO BoS CoC CES Level 4 Access Point when they are also the selected provider; otherwise, this tab will be blank. Housing referral types are limited to “Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing”, “Rapid Re-Housing Programs”, “Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing”, and “At Risk/ Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs”.

Training Resources

Please see below for arecorded training that reviews how to enter data for the BoS CE Coordinated Entry projects, instructions for running this data quality report in BusinessObjects, and a brief overview of how to use the resulting Excel file to identify and correct client errors that will prevent the client from being properly prioritized for services. For the password, please email the Helpdesk.

Need Assistance?

If you need assistance running the report, understanding the information in the report, or troubleshooting potential errors, please reach out to the ICA Missouri Helpdesk. Include the name and date of the BusinessObjects report  as it appears in your BI Inbox in your request for assistance. Do not attach the report to any emails going to the helpdesk as the report contains personally identifying information and cannot be transmitted unless encrypted.

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