Understanding PDDE + BUI

This guide provides information regarding the Project Descriptor Data Elements (PDDE) and Bed and Unit Inventory (BUI) information required for the Housing Inventory Count (HIC). PDDE and BUI information will be reported to your system administrator, who will then work with you verify the information and make final submissions to HUD. This tip sheet includes links to recorded trainings that include a detailed explanation of how to report Bed and Unit Inventory. 

Table of Contents

Understanding PDDE + BUI

This training briefly explains what Project Descriptor Data Elements (PDDEs) are before going into detail about how to report Bed and Unit Inventory (BUI) information. This training will be particularly useful for new projects that have not been included on the Housing Inventory Count (HIC) before but will also assist agencies who have previously reported their information on the HIC with verifying and updating the information that will be reported to your system administrator.

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