Shelter Project Utilization Report

This report shows the bed/unit utilization of shelters that utilize HMIS based on the agency's self-reported Bed and Unit Inventory (BUI). The BUI is a HUD-mandated data element stored in the back end of the HMIS. The BUI is updated a minimum of once a year during the annual PIT/HIC but can be updated at any point during the year to reflect changes in capacity. A CoC-wide version of this report is available upon request from ICA and is used by some CoCs to ensure their shelters are being used at full capacity. 

Running the Report

Report Path

  > Public Folder
    > missouri_live_folder
      > Outcome Reports
        > Shelter Project Utilization Report

Recommended Export Format

Schedule to Microsoft Excel - Reports

Setting the Prompts

Prompt Instructions
Select Provider(s): Select the project(s) for which you wish to run the report. 
Select Project Type(s): Select the project type(s) for which you wish to run the report. This is defaulted to "Emergency Shelter (HUD)" and generally will not be changed. 
Show Client Names? Select "Yes" if client names should be displayed in the report, and "No" if the client names should be hidden in the report.

Important! If you include client names when you run this report, then the report cannot be emailed (even within agencies) unless encrypted, nor can it be shared outside of the agency. 

Enter Start Date: Enter the start date for the reporting period in mm/dd/yyyy format. For example, if you're running a report for 07/01/2020-06/30/2021, the date entered in this box would be 07/01/2020.
Enter End Date PLUS 1 Day: Enter the date after the last date of the reporting period in mm/dd/yyyy format. For example, if you're running a report for 07/01/2020-06/30/2021, the date entered in this box would be 07/01/2021.

EDA Provider

If only one project is selected in "Select Provider(s):" above, select the same project here. 
If more than one project is selected in "Select Provider(s):" above, select one of the projects within the selected projects. 

Using the Report

This report has seven tabs. An explanation of each tab is available below. 


The tab shows the breakdown, by selected project, of the primary population, shelter configuration, total nights used, average nights used, total nights available, average nights available, utilization rate, and no-show rate. The data utilized to calculate these numbers is then available on the following five "detail" tabs of the report. If you believe the Primary Population or Shelter Configuration may be incorrect for your shelter, please contact the ICA Missouri Helpdesk as this information can only be recorded/updated by ICA System Administrators. 

Column Details
Provider This column shows the name of the shelter project.
Primary Population This column shows the primary population for the shelter as reported to ICA. If the shelter's primary population (an optional data element created specifically in the Missouri HMIS) has not been recorded in HMIS, the column will be empty. The primary population can only be recorded/updated by communicating with the ICA Missouri Helpdesk - users cannot set or adjust this setting on their own.  
Shelter Config. This column shows whether the shelter operates using a tracking method of Entry/Exit (EE) or Night-by-Night (NbN), as well as whether the shelter calculates utilization using beds or units. These configurations can only be changed by communicating with the ICA Missouri Helpdesk - users cannot adjust these settings on their own. 

Tracking Method: Entry/Exit (EE)
The vast majority of shelters within the Missouri HMIS implementation are entry/exit-based shelters. Generally, these are shelters where the client generally has a bed reserved for them for each night as long as they return every night or make prior arrangements. There are some exceptions that are determined by individual shelter projects.

Tracking Method: Night-by-Night (NbN)
There are only a handful of night-by-night shelters within the Missouri HMIS implementation. Generally, these are shelters where all beds are filled on a first-come, first-served basis each night. A client who may have had a bed one night generally does not have any guarantee they will be able to stay the next night at a night-by-night shelter. 

Count Methodology: Beds
A shelter that uses the bed count methodology is one that fills openings by individual beds. Frequently these are shelters where multiple households may be in the same space or the shelter only accepts single individuals. If a shelter has not specified which count methodology it uses, this report assumes the shelter uses the bed count methodology. 

Count Methodology: Units
A shelter that uses the unit count methodology is one that fills openings by units, or groups of beds. These shelters frequently have separate rooms for each individual or household, and once a household has occupied the room, any unoccupied beds in the room are considered unavailable. 
Total Nights Used This is the number of bed or unit nights that were used during the report period for the particular shelter provider. Details on how the total nights used are calculated are available on the specific client detail (EE-Beds, EE-Units, or NbN-Beds) tab. 
Avg. Nights Used This is the number of bed or unit nights that were used during the report period for the particular shelter provider divided by the number of nights in the report period. This column shows the average number of clients/households the project served on an average night during the report period. 
Total Nights Available This is the number of bed or unit nights that the shelter had available for use (whether they were used or not) during the report period for the particular shelter provider. Details on how the total nights available are calculated are available on the "Inventory Detail" tab. 
Avg. Nights Available This is the number of bed or unit nights that the shelter had available for use (whether they were used or not) during the report period divided by the total number of nights in the report period. This column shows the average number of clients/households the project could serve on an average night during the report period. 
Util. Rate This is the total nights used divided by total nights available displayed as a percentage. A rate of 100% means that the shelter, on average, had every bed or unit occupied on every night of the report period. HUD generally expects utilization rates between 65% and 105%, though CoCs may set their own ranges. 
No Show Rate* This shows the percent of referrals the shelter received through HMIS during the report period which were closed and marked as "Client Did Not Show for Intake." A majority of the shelters in the implementation do not receive referrals through the HMIS, and for these shelters, the report will display "0.0%."

EE-Beds Detail

This tab shows the client-level breakdown for shelters that operate following an entry/exit (EE) method and that determine utilization based on the bed count method. If none of the selected shelters utilize the EE-Beds method, this tab will be empty. 

Column Details
Project Name This column shows the name of the project in which the client is/was enrolled. 
Group ID This column shows the group ID. A group ID is utilized to link together members of the same household. Single individuals also have a group ID, but it is not shared with any other clients.
Client ID This column shows the ServicePoint Client ID for the individual. This can be utilized to open the individual client record. 
Client Name This column shows the client's name if the "Show Client Names?" prompt was set to "Yes." If the prompt was set to "No," then "Client Names Hidden" will appear in the column. 

Important! If you include client names when you run this report, then the report cannot be emailed (even within agencies) unless encrypted, nor can it be shared outside of the agency. 

Bed Nights This column shows the number of bed nights the client had within the reporting period. This is calculated by finding the number of days between the "Bed Night Start" and "Bed Night End." 
Entry Date This column shows the entry date into the project for the individual client. 
Bed Night Start This column shows either the client's entry date or the first day of the reporting period, whichever is later. 
Exit Date This column shows the exit date from the project for the individual client if the client has been exited. If the client has not been exited, then this column will be blank.
Bed Night End This column shows either the client's exit date or the last day (plus 1 day) of the reporting period, whichever is earlier. 

EE-Units Detail

This tab shows the household-level breakdown for shelters that operate following an entry/exit (EE) method and determine utilization based on the unit count method. If none of the selected shelters utilize the EE-Units method, this tab will be empty. 

Column Details
Project Name This column shows the name of the project in which the client is/was enrolled. 
Group ID This column shows the group ID. A group ID is utilized to link together members of the same household. Single individuals also have a group ID, but it is not shared with any other clients.
First Client ID This column shows the first ServicePoint Client ID for the individuals in the group/household. This can be utilized to open an individual client record of a member of the household/group. 
First Client Name This column shows the first client's name if the "Show Client Names?" prompt was set to "Yes." If the prompt was set to "No," then "Client Names Hidden" will appear in the column. 

Important! If you include client names when you run this report, then the report cannot be emailed (even within agencies) unless encrypted, nor can it be shared outside of the agency. 

Unit Nights This column shows the number of unit nights the group/household had within the reporting period. This is calculated by finding the number of days between the "Unit Night Start" and "Unit Night End." 
Min. Entry Date This column shows the earliest entry date into the project for those individuals in the group/household. 
Unit Night Start This column shows either the household's minimum entry date or the first day of the reporting period, whichever is later
Max. Exit Date This column shows the latest exit date from the project for those individuals in the group/household. If the group/household has not been exited, then this column will be blank.
Unit Night End This column shows either the household's maximum exit date or the last day (plus 1 day) of the reporting period, whichever is earlier.

NbN-Beds Detail

This tab shows the client-level breakdown for shelters that operate following a night-by-night (NbN) method and determine utilization based on the bed count method. If none of the selected shelters utilize the NbN-Beds method, this tab will be empty.

Column Details
Project Name This column shows the name of the project in which the client is/was enrolled. 
Service ID This column shows the service ID. A service ID is created for each night (or series of nights) that a client stays in a night-by-night shelter.
Client ID This column shows the ServicePoint Client ID for the individual. This can be utilized to open the individual client record. 
Client Name This column shows the client's name if the "Show Client Names?" prompt was set to "Yes." If the prompt was set to "No," then "Client Names Hidden" will appear in the column. 

Important! If you include client names when you run this report, then the report cannot be emailed (even within agencies) unless encrypted, nor can it be shared outside of the agency. 

Bed Nights This column shows the number of bed nights the client had within the reporting period. This is calculated by finding the number of days between the "Bed Night Start" and "Bed Night End." 
Service Start Date This column shows the service start date for the individual client's specific shelter stay. 
Bed Night Start This column shows either the service start date or the first day of the reporting period, whichever is later.  
Service End Date This column shows the service end date from the client's specific shelter stay if the client's shelter stay has ended. If the shelter stay has not ended, then this column will be blank.
Bed Night End This column shows either the service end date or the last day (plus 1 day) of the reporting period, whichever is earlier

Referral Detail

This tab shows referrals to shelters which were recorded within HMIS and their outcome. Only some shelters receive referrals through the HMIS, so this tab may be blank for the selected shelter(s). If the tab is blank but your shelter does receive referrals via HMIS, please contact the ICA Missouri Helpdesk for assistance. 

Column Details
Project Name This column shows the name of the shelter project to which the client was referred.
Referring Project This column shows the name of the shelter access project to which the client was referred.
Client ID This column shows the ServicePoint Client ID for the individual. This can be utilized to open the individual client record. 
Client Name This column shows the client's name if the "Show Client Names?" prompt was set to "Yes." If the prompt was set to "No," then "Client Names Hidden" will appear in the column. 

Important! If you include client names when you run this report, then the report cannot be emailed (even within agencies) unless encrypted, nor can it be shared outside of the agency. 

Referral Date This column shows the date on which the client was referred to the shelter project.
Referral Outcome This column shows whether the referral was accepted, canceled, declined, or has not had a status recorded.
Reason Unmet If the referral outcome is canceled or declined, this column shows the reason why it was canceled or declined.

Inventory Detail

This tab shows the Bed and Unit Inventory (BUI) information stored within the back end of the HMIS for the selected projects. If the information on this tab is incorrect, please contact the ICA Missouri Helpdesk so that the ICA team can gather accurate information for the shelter project. Depending upon the setup and configuration of the project, some shelters may have multiple BUI records which are active at the same time. 

Column Details
Project Name This column shows the name of the shelter project to which the BUI is tied.
Bed/Unit Household Type This column shows whether the specific BUI is designated for households of Adults Only, Children Only, or Adults & Children. Per HUD requirements, all BUIs must be designated to one of those three household types.
Shelter Config. This column shows whether the shelter utilizes the bed or unit count method when calculating utilization. 
Bed/Unit Inventory This column shows the number of beds or units (depending upon Shelter Configuration) that the program had during the date range listed.
Nights This column shows the number of nights within the reporting period that the particular BUI was active. This is calculated by determining the number of days between the "Inventory Report Start" and "Inventory Report End" dates.
Bed/Unit Inventory Nights This column shows the Bed/Unit Inventory multiplied by Nights, to show the total available nights during the reporting period for that particular BUI record. 
Inventory Start This is the start date recorded for the particular BUI record.
Inventory Report Start This is either the inventory start date or the report start date, whichever is later.  
Inventory End This is the end date recorded for the particular BUI record if one has been recorded. 
Inventory Report End This is either the inventory end date (plus 1 day) or the report end date (plus 1 day), whichever is earlier. 

Additional Information

This tab contains information about what was selected for the prompts and what information was pulled into the report by the reporting tool. This tab is utilized by ICA for troubleshooting purposes in the event a user contacts the helpdesk seeking assistance with the report. 

Need Assistance?

If you need assistance running the report, understanding the information in the report, or troubleshooting potential errors, please reach out to the ICA Missouri Helpdesk. Include the name and date of the BusinessObjects report as it appears in your BI Inbox in your request for assistance. Do not attach the report to any emails going to the helpdesk as the report contains personally identifying information and cannot be transmitted unless encrypted.

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