Shelter Monitoring Report - St. Louis City CoC

Emergency shelter, safe haven, and transitional housing projects located within the St. Louis City CoC which receive funding through the City of St. Louis Department of Human Services (DHS) - Homeless Services Division (HSD) are required to submit this report on a monthly basis as part of their reimbursement/billing request. This report ensures that shelters, safe havens, and transitional housing projects are providing up-to-date, accurate data for use in the CoC's Shelter Dashboard. HSD may require projects to have specific issues resolved or explained before processing a reimbursement request, therefore ICA encourages agencies to run this report as early as the first day of the following month so that errors can be resolved with sufficient time to submit a clean report to HSD. 

Agencies with shelter or transitional housing projects that are not funded through HSD are strongly encouraged to run this report and correct any issues identified as well, to ensure the CoC's Shelter Dashboard is accurate. 

Any questions about this report, including any questions on how to resolve flags identified in the report, can be directed to the ICA Missouri Helpdesk using the blue "Contact the Helpdesk" button in the lower right-hand corner of this page. Any questions about submission requirements and expectations can be directed to your Contract Compliance Officer (CCO) at HSD. 

Running the Report

Report Path

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      > St. Louis City CoC
        > Shelter Monitoring Report - St. Louis City CoC

Recommended Export Format

For cleanup and helpdesk support: Schedule to Microsoft Excel - Reports

For submission to HSD: View, then export "Calendar" and "Additional Information" tabs to PDF

Setting the Prompts

Important! This report is intended to be run for a calendar month, although it may work properly for up to 42 days. Any report periods longer than 36 days may result in errors or omissions in the report. 
Prompt Instructions
Enter Start Date: Enter the start date for the reporting period in m/d/yyyy format. For example, if you're running a report for 12/1/2023-12/31/2023, the date entered in this box would be 12/1/2023.
Enter End Date PLUS 1 Day: Enter the date after the last date of the reporting period in m/d/yyyy format. For example, if you're running a report for 12/1/2023-12/31/2023, the date entered in this box would be 1/1/2024.
EDA Provider Select the name of the shelter (including ES, TH & SH) project for which you are running the report. 

Reviewing Report and Correcting Data

Reviewing & Resolving Flags

There are two different types of flags on this report:

Flag Description
Warning (Please Check) These flags are identified by black text with a yellow background. Please review all of these warnings to ensure they are accurate and make corrections as appropriate. Projects with a large number of warnings are encouraged to provide a written explanation with their submission.
Error (Fix Required) These flags are identified by white text with a dark red background. These errors must be fixed except in the most extenuating of circumstances. If one of these errors cannot be resolved, a written explanation as to why the flagged issue is not actually an error or cannot be corrected is required as part of the submission. 

Project Header

Review each shelter or transitional housing project's configuration information according to the information below to ensure the project's setup in the back end of the HMIS is correct. If anything in the configuration information is incorrect or outdated, please contact the ICA Missouri Helpdesk using the blue "Contact the Helpdesk" button for assistance in correcting/updating the configuration information.

Target Population

For the purpose of CoC-defined reporting, each shelter, safe haven, or transitional housing's primary population must be identified in the HMIS. Generally, to be considered a target population the project must hold at least 75% of their beds/units for the specific population, but frequently will hold 100% of their beds/units for the population: 

Population Description
Anyone The shelter has no specific focus population.
DV Survivors The shelter focuses services on survivors of domestic violence. Most of these shelters are operated by Victim Service Providers which are prohibited from entering data into HMIS, so these are not usually found in HMIS reports except those which include information about CoC-wide bed/unit inventory.
Families The shelter focuses on serving households that include both adults and children. 
HIV/AIDS The shelter focuses on households that have at least one individual with an HIV/AIDS diagnosis. 
Maternity The shelter focuses on serving individuals who are pregnant at the time of entry into shelter. Generally, these shelters continue serving these individuals after they give birth. 
Men The shelter focuses on serving individuals who identify as men. This will be mostly single men but may (depending on shelter configuration) include partnered men. 
Singles The shelter focuses on serving single individuals regardless of gender identity. These shelters may occasionally (depending on shelter configuration) serve partnered couples. 
Veterans The shelter focuses on serving individuals who qualify as U.S. Military Veterans and their household members.
Women The shelter focuses on serving individuals who identify as women. This will be mostly single women but may (depending on shelter configuration) include partnered women. 
Women/Families The shelter focuses on serving individuals who identify as women or families with adults & children. 
Youth The shelter focuses on serving individuals up to 24 years old, though some may have a lower age maximum than 24 years old. 

Availability Type(s)

Each emergency shelter project must have at least one availability type, as defined by HUD. Any safe haven or transitional housing projects are exempt from this section. The types for emergency shelter include:

Type Description
Year-Round The beds are available on a year-round basis.
Seasonal The beds are available on a planned basis, with specific start and end dates, during a period of higher demand.
Overflow The beds are available on an ad hoc or temporary basis in response to demand that exceeds planned capacity.

Bed/Unit Type(s)

Each emergency shelter project must have at least one location type, as defined by HUD. Any safe haven or transitional housing projects are exempt from this section. The types for emergency shelter include:

Type Description
Facility The beds are located in a facility designated for use by persons who are homeless. 
Voucher The beds are located in a hotel or motel and are made available through vouchers or other forms of payment.
Other The beds are located in a facility not designated for use by persons who are homeless, such as a house of worship or recreation center. 

Tracking Method

Each emergency shelter must use one of these two tracking methods, as defined by HUD. Any safe haven or transitional housing projects are exempt from this section:

Method Description
Entry/Exit An entry/exit shelter typically holds a bed/unit for a specific client until the client has not returned for a set period of time or indicates they no longer need assistance. 
Night-by-Night A night-by-night shelter is also frequently called a walk-up shelter, as beds are filled as clients walk up. Having a bed one night does not guarantee that a bed will be available for the same client on the following night.

Tracking Configuration

For the purpose of CoC-defined reporting, each shelter, safe haven, or transitional housing project must be designated as utilizing either a bed-based or unit-based method.

Configuration Description
Beds These are shelters that fill their openings on a per-individual basis and frequently will have clients who do not identify as a household in the same space. This includes all congregate-style shelters. 
Units These are shelters that fill their openings on a per-household basis and will place only a single household in a room, leaving other beds in the room unavailable if the household does not need all beds in the room. 

Overlap Count

An overlapping stay exists when the exact same client was listed as staying in two or more beds on the same night, either within the same program or in multiple programs at the same agency. If any overlapping stays have been identified for the clients in the shelter(s), safe haven(s) or transitional housing project(s) pulled into the report, these must be resolved or explained. It is extremely rare that an overlapping stay within an agency is permitted, but if you believe an extenuating circumstance exists, a written explanation of the extenuating circumstance must be included as an attachment to the submission to HSD. 

Any overlapping stays are labeled "Overlap" on the "Stays" tab so that you can address them to the best of your ability. If you need assistance addressing any of these errors, please contact the helpdesk using the blue "Contact the Helpdesk" button in the lower right-hand corner of the screen. 

Zero Night Count

Per HUD, any clients who have an entry into shelter, safe haven, or transitional housing but do not stay should have the entry/exit or shelter stay deleted. This will flag any zero-night stays so that they can be deleted or corrected (i.e., change start or end dates). 

Any zero-night stays are labeled "0 Nights" on the "Stays" tab so that you can address them to the best of your ability. If you need assistance addressing any of these errors, please contact the helpdesk using the blue "Contact the Helpdesk" button in the lower right-hand corner of the screen. 


For each date in the calendar, review the occupancy, availability, and utilization rate and ensure it matches internal records and any other data sources. Also ensure that the utilization rate is within range to the greatest extent possible or be prepared to provide an explanation as to why the shelter is outside the utilization range.

Type Description
Occup. The number of beds or units which were occupied on that particular night. 
Avail. The number of beds or units the program had available on the particular night, including both occupied and unoccupied beds, on that particular night. 
Utilization The number of occupied beds or units divided by the available beds or units on that particular night. 

The CoC's defined target range for utilization is between 90% and 105%, while HUD's defined utilization range is 65% to 105%. For these reasons, any utilization rates between 65% and 90% will be marked as warnings, while utilization rates above 105% and below 65% will be marked as errors. All errors must be addressed or adequately explained in an attached document in your submission. 

Submission Instructions

Once flags have been addressed to the greatest extent possible, the report needs to be submitted to HSD. The submission needs to include the following for projects funded through HSD:

  • The Calendar tab
  • If applicable, a written explanation of any unresolved Red (Error) Flags
  • The Additional Information tab for the report

No other information from this report needs to be included in the submission. To generate a printout with just the applicable tabs, follow these steps:

  1. After running the report in View mode, click on the Export button at the top of the screen in the "File" section. 
  2. On the "Export to" popup, select "PDF." 
  3. Ensure "Calendar" and "Additional Information" are checked and any other boxes are unchecked.
  4. Click "Export." Depending upon the settings for your browser, you may be prompted to select to open or save the file. 
  5. Include the specific pages, as described above, in your billing submission. 

Need Assistance?

If you need assistance running the report, understanding the information in the report, or troubleshooting flags, please reach out to the ICA Missouri Helpdesk using the blue "Contact the Helpdesk" button in the lower right-hand corner. Include the name and date of the BusinessObjects report as it appears in your BI Inbox in your request for assistance. Do not attach the report to any emails going to the helpdesk as the report contains personally identifying information and cannot be transmitted unless encrypted.

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