Tenant-Based Address Completion Report Card

Tenant-based permanent housing projects with shared visibility within the St. Louis City CoC are required to collect and input data about client addresses into the HMIS. Projects receiving funding through the City Department of Human Services (City DHS) are required to submit this report as part of their monthly reimbursement request to demonstrate that they are keeping on top of this requirement. City DHS may require housing projects to have specific issues resolved or explained before processing a reimbursement request, therefore ICA encourages agencies to run this report as early as the first day of the following month so that errors can be resolved with sufficient time to submit a clean report. 

Agencies with housing projects that are not funded through City DHS are strongly encouraged to run this report and correct any issues identified, as well, to ensure each CoC's data regarding housing placement locations are accurate. Any questions about this report, including any questions on how to resolve flags identified in the report, can be directed to the ICA Missouri Helpdesk using the blue "Contact the Helpdesk" button in the lower right-hand corner of this page. 

Running the Report

Report Path

  > Public Folders
    > missouri_live_folder
      > St. Louis City CoC
        > Tenant-Based Address Completeness Report Card

Recommended Export Format

For cleanup and helpdesk support: Schedule to Microsoft Excel - Reports

For submission to HSD: View, then export "Report Card" and "Additional Information" tabs to PDF

Setting the Prompts

Prompt Instructions
Select Provider(s): Select the project(s) for which you wish to run the report. 
Note: If this prompt is completed, the "Select Reporting Group(s)" prompt must be left to "none selected" or left incomplete (blank).
Select Reporting Group(s): Select the reporting group(s) for which you wish to run the report. 
Note: If this prompt is completed, the "Select Provider(s):" prompt must be left to "none selected" or left incomplete (blank).
Select CoC(s): This prompt is for use by ICA System Administrators only. Leave set to "none selected."
Show Identifying Information? This prompt determines whether client names and parts of the client's address are shown. If using the report for cleanup or other internal purposes, you can set this to "Yes." If running the report for submission to either DHS office or any external entity, set this to "No."
Important! If this prompt is set to "Yes," then the report cannot be emailed (even within agencies) unless encrypted because it contains directly identifying information, nor can it be shared outside of the agency. If this prompt is set to "No," caution must still be exercised as the information in the report could be used to indirectly identify individual clients.
Enter Start Date: Enter the start date for the reporting period in m/d/yyyy format. For example, if you're running a report for 7/1/2022-7/31/2022, the date entered in this box would be 7/1/2022.
Enter End Date PLUS 1 Day: Enter the date after the last date of the reporting period in m/d/yyyy format. For example, if you're running a report for 7/1/2022-7/31/2022, the date entered in this box would be 8/1/2022.
Enter effective date Enter the date after the last date of the reporting period in m/d/yyyy format. For example, if you're running a report for 7/1/2022-7/31/2022, the date entered in this box would be 8/1/2022.
EDA Provider If only one project is selected in the "Select Provider(s):" prompt above, select the same project here. 
If more than one project is selected in the "Select Provider(s):" prompt or if a reporting group has been selected in "Select Reporting Group(s):" prompt, then select one of the projects within the selected projects or reporting groups. 

Reviewing Report and Correcting Data

Grading Methodology & Scale 

This is a "completeness" report, meaning that the scoring is determined by whether the data has been entered completely according to the client's wishes. Projects will not be penalized, on this report, for having clients who choose to decline to provide consent to enter this specific address data, provided that the client's choice to decline to provide consent for entry of their housing unit's address is properly recorded in the system. 

For each entry/exit record in the report, a project can score one point. If the consent level is filled in and the applicable fields are completed appropriately, that entry/exit will be worth the full point. If the consent level is filled in but the applicable fields are not completed appropriately, or if the consent level is not filled in, that entry exit will score zero points. Criteria to get the full point for each entry/exit is available below. 

Consent & Address Data Quality
(in HMIS)
Consent Level
(on Report)
Requirements for Full Point
Client Consented to Entry of
Full Address
Full Address Street Number must be complete
Street Name must be complete
Street Suffix must be complete
Apt/Unit Number may be blank or complete
Zip Code must be complete
Client Consented to Entry of
Zip Code Only
Zip Code Only Street Number must be blank
Street Name must be blank
Street Suffix must be blank
Apt/Unit Number must be blank
Zip Code must be complete
Client Declined Entry of
Full Address or Zip Code Only
Declined Street Number must be blank
Street Name must be blank
Street Suffix must be blank
Apt/Unit Number must be blank
Zip Code must be blank
N/A - Client Not Housed Not Housed Street Number must be blank
Street Name must be blank
Street Suffix must be blank
Apt/Unit Number must be blank
Zip Code must be blank

The grading scale used for this report is fairly strict in order to ensure the highest possible data completeness:

Scoring Range Letter Grade
95-100% A
90-94.9% B
85-89.9% C
80-84.9% D
Under 80% F

Detail Tab

The table(s) on the Detail tab are grouped by project, then by household. Household groups can be identified by looking at the Group ID, as well as looking at the alternating shading of rows per group. In order to get an "A" on this report card, the status (5th column) for at least 95% of the rows for the project must say "Correct." If the row has a status of "Incorrect", the applicable issues will be identified using the flags listed in the table under the following one. 

Column Description
Group ID This is an ID number assigned by the HMIS to identify when multiple household members are present together. 
Client ID This is the client's ID number and can be used to look up the client's record.
Client Name If "Show Identifying Information?" was set to "yes", this will show the client's name.
If "Show Identifying Information?" was set to "no," this column will contain only a hyphen (-). 
Entry Date This column shows the date on which the client was enrolled in the project.
Status If the "Consent Level" is complete and matches the other address fields, this will show "Complete," otherwise it will show "Incomplete."
Consent Level This is the level of consent for recording of their address that was selected on the client's record. 
Street Number This field will show the client's street number or the appropriate flag, as dictated in the chart below. 
Street Name This field will show the client's street name or the appropriate flag, as dictated in the chart below. 
Street Suffix This column will show the client's street suffix or the appropriate flag, as dictated in the chart below. 
Apt/Unit Number This column will show the client's apartment or unit number or the appropriate flag, as dictated in the chart below.
Zip Code This column will show the client's zip code or the applicable flag, as dictated in the chart below. 

Reviewing Flags for Consent & Address Fields

There are six different types of flags on this tab of the report:

Flag Description
Clear Out This indicates that the "consent level" shows that the client has declined to have this field completed with their information in HMIS, but that data has been entered into the field. Either the consent level needs to be corrected or the information in the field needs to be cleared out ASAP. 
Missing This particular field is missing applicable information and needs to be completed. 
« The consent level has not been completed and needs to be fixed before other errors can be identified. 
Okay This will show if "Show Identifying Information?" was set to "Yes" and the field meets the requirements of the report. 
- This indicates that the field is not applicable. 
Error This indicates that there is some sort of unique or rare error present in that client's address record. If you are unable to identify the error, contact the helpdesk for support. 

Submission Instructions

Once flags have been addressed to the greatest extent possible, the report needs to be submitted to HSD. The submission needs to include the following for projects funded through DHS:

  • The Report Card tab for the specific project
  • The Additional Information tab for the report

No other information from this report needs to be included in the submission. To generate a printout with just the applicable tabs, follow these steps:

  1. After running the report in View mode, click on the Export button at the top of the screen in the "File" section. 
  2. On the "Export to" popup, select "PDF." 
  3. Ensure "Report Card" and "Additional Information" are checked and any other boxes are unchecked.
  4. Click "Export." Depending upon the settings for your browser, you may be prompted to select to open or save the file. 
  5. Include the specific pages, as described above, in your billing submission. 

Need Assistance?

If you need assistance running the report, understanding the information in the report, or troubleshooting flags, please reach out to the ICA Missouri Helpdesk using the blue "Contact the Helpdesk" button in the lower right-hand corner. Include the name and date of the BusinessObjects report as it appears in your BI Inbox in your request for assistance. Do not attach the report to any emails going to the helpdesk as the report contains personally identifying information and cannot be transmitted unless encrypted.

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