Data Quality Report Card (EE)
This report looks at not only elements required by HUD, but also those elements required for the Missouri HMIS, and gives a letter grade in each category and overall based upon "Ok" answers entered into the system. This report does not look at the data quality or completeness of contacts, services, or referrals regardless of funding source.
Note: As of July 2021, this report has been updated to only run for one provider or one reporting group at a time. This is to prevent data inconsistencies that can occur when running for multiple projects. The reporting group option is only intended for single projects that had to be split for HMIS.
Running the Report
Report Path
> Public Folder
> missouri_live_folder
> Data Quality and Completeness Reports
> Data Quality Report Card (EE)
Recommended Export Format
Schedule to Adobe Acrobat or Microsoft Excel - Reports
Setting the Prompts
Prompt | Instructions |
Select Provider: | Select the project for which you wish to run the report. If using the "Select Reporting Group" prompt, leave this blank. |
Select Reporting Group: | Select the reporting group for which you wish to run the report. If using the "Select Provider" prompt, leave this blank. |
EDA Provider | If running the report for a single project, select the same project here. If running the report for a reporting group, then select one of the projects within the reporting group. |
Enter Start Date: | Enter the start date for the reporting period in M/d/yyyy format. For example, if you're running a report for 7/1/2021-6/30/2022, the date entered in this box would be 7/1/2021. |
Enter End Date PLUS 1 Day: | Enter the date after the last date of the reporting period in M/d/yyyy format. For example, if you're running a report for 7/1/2021-6/30/2022, the date entered in this box would be 7/1/2022. |
Using the Report
This report has four tabs, each serving a specific purpose.
Provider Report Card
This tab shows scores for all selected projects in the report in one report card. The report card is broken into four categories.
These are the Universal Data Elements that are required for all projects funded by HUD.
Missouri Core ONLY
These data elements are collected by most projects in the Missouri HMIS. Many of these elements are required for a number of HUD projects as well.
Special Needs ONLY
All elements in this section refer to questions that are found on the Special Needs Assessment. If the project funder does not require the collection of these elements, this section will show only dashes ( - ) and are exempted from the overall grade calculation.
This provides an overall letter data quality score that is an average of the HUD Universal Data Elements, the Missouri Core Data Elements, and (where applicable) the Special Needs Assessment.
Client Detail
This tab provides a categorization for each data element for each client. The key is below. To make corrections, use the client ID number in the second column from the left to open the client record and make corrections in the appropriate fields. Note: For definitions of each row/column, see Row/Column Definition section below
Row/Column Definitions
Row Header |
Column Header |
Requirement to get "Ok" |
Name and Name Data Quality |
Name |
Social Security Number & SSN Data Quality |
Date of Birth and Data Quality | DOB |
Race | Race |
Ethnicity | Eth | Ethnicity is not blank, "Client doesn't know," "Client refused," or "Data not collected" |
Gender | Gen | Gender is not blank, "Client doesn't know," "Client refused," or "Data not collected" |
Veteran Status | Vet |
Disabling Condition | Disab | Does the client have a disabling condition? is not blank, "Client doesn't know," "Client refused," or "Data not collected" |
Chronic Homelessness Determination | CH Det | If client is 18 or older or a head of household under 18: All questions in the Chronic Homelessness Determination section of the entry assessment are properly completed. |
Destination (Exit) | Dest Exit | If the individual has exited from the project" Exit Destination is not blank, "Client doesn't know," "Client refused," or "Data not collected" |
Relationship to Head of Household | Rel HoH | Relationship to Head of Household is "Self (Head of Household)" for one (and only one) member of the household |
Client Location (CoC) | CoC | Client Location (CoC) is not blank. |
Client Location (County) | County | Client Location (County) is not blank. |
Zip Code of Last Permanent Address & Data Quality | LPA Zip |
Health Insurance at Start | Hlth Ins (Start) |
Health Insurance at Exit | Hlth Ins (Exit) |
Monthly Income at Start | Mnth Inc (Start) | If client is 18 or older or a child head of household:
Monthly Income at Exit | Mnth Inc (Exit) | If client is 18 or older or a child head of household:
Non-Cash Benefits at Start | Non Cash (Start) | If client is 18 or older or a child head of household:
Non-Cash Benefits at exit | Non Cash (Exit) | If client is 18 or older or a child head of household:
Disability Details at Start | Disab Detail (Start) |
Disability Details at Exit | Disab Detail (Exit) |
Domestic Violence | DV | If client is 18 or older or a minor head of household:
Grades by User
This tab provides a summary of data quality scores per user in three categories, an overall score, and a letter grade.
Document Information
This tab contains information about the report that can be utilized by ICA staff to determine whether the report was run properly by the user. If you seek assistance with this report from the ICA Missouri Helpdesk, please be prepared to read/send information off of this tab to the individual who assists you.
Need Assistance?
If you need assistance running the report, understanding the information in the report, or troubleshooting potential errors, please reach out to the ICA Missouri Helpdesk. Include the name and date of the BusinessObjects report as it appears in your BI Inbox in your request for assistance. Do not attach the report to any emails going to the helpdesk as the report contains personally identifying information and cannot be transmitted unless encrypted.
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