BoS Coordinated Entry: Level 4 List Holders - Case Conferencing

The Missouri Balance of State Continuum of Care is a collaborative network of organizations, agencies and stakeholders that work to ensure that individuals and families experiencing housing crisis in the geographical coverage area are able to access the housing system of care through Coordinated Entry. The MO BoS CoC covers 101 rural counties of Missouri, these are broken up into 10 regions. Each region of the Balance of State Continuum of Care meets monthly. These monthly touch bases have 2 sessions embedded within the meeting structure.

Business Meeting

The Business Meeting provides an opportunity for providers to inform about various topics including networking, funding availability for clients, upcoming events, grant opportunities, client resource opportunities and more. The meeting serves as a platform for providers to seek support for any issues they may be encountering with clients or processes within the Coordinated Entry System.

Furthermore, the business meeting facilitates voting on leadership, information sharing, training, and updates from the lead agencies and the leadership of the CoC. Representatives from the Lead Agency and the HMIS Lead Agency should attend the Business Meeting to ensure comprehensive communication and coordination.

Case Conferencing

Case conferencing is a collaborative approach in the Continuum of Care (CoC) that involves regular meetings between service providers to discuss and plan for the needs of clients experiencing homelessness. The purpose of case conferencing is to ensure coordinated, effective, and client-centered service delivery by addressing the unique needs of each client through collective problem-solving and resource sharing. The goal is to ensure that each client receives tailored, effective, and timely assistance, leading to better outcomes in stability, well-being, and overall success.

Case conferencing looks different in each region of the Balance of State (BoS) Continuum of Care (CoC). Each region in the BoS is unique in its needs, resources, and geographic spread, so flexibility in case conferencing is necessary. For statewide case conferencing, this process may look different. However, there are certain standards and expectations that must be met to ensure successful case conferencing.

Tenants of Case Conferencing for the MO BoS CoC

As a Level 4 List Holder for Case Conferencing, it's essential to prepare for case conferencing to ensure efficient and productive discussions. Here's how:

Preparation Before the Meeting

  • Facilitate: Be ready to act as the facilitator during the case conferencing meeting, guiding discussions, and keeping the conversation on track.
  • Agenda: Prepare an agenda outlining the topics to be discussed during the meeting. This helps ensure that all necessary points are covered, and time is used effectively.
  • Secure Sharing of Priority List: Pull the Priority List (PL), merge and filter appropriately prior to the meeting and securely share a password-encrypted version with agencies that have a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreement with the CoC. The MOU ensures that only entities actively working with clients have access to their data.

During the Meeting

  • Client Referrals: Through discussion, identify which clients require referrals and match them with the appropriate service provider. This helps ensure that clients receive timely and relevant support.
  • Facilitate: As the facilitator, guide the conversation to determine the best course of action for addressing the needs of the region. Encourage collaboration and problem-solving among providers to optimize outcomes for clients.
    • Suggested outline for running case conferencing structured discussion:
      • Client Overview: Review the clients background and current situation.
      • Current Support: Outline what support the client is currently receiving. *
      • Needs and Barriers: Identify any unmet needs or barriers to housing stability.
      • Action Plan: Develop a coordinated action plan, assigning specific tasks.
      • Follow Up: Establish the timeline and set the next review date.
  • Lead Agency and ICA Involvement: Note that the Lead Agency of the CoC and the HMIS Lead Agency do not attend case conferencing meetings, as they do not work directly with clients. They do not receive the prioritization list.
  • Reminder of Responsible Data Handling: Ensure that client data is handled responsibly and in accordance with privacy regulations, only sharing it with authorized agencies as per the MOU agreements.

Documentation and Follow Up

  • Meeting Notes: take notes and attendance during the meeting, capturing decisions and action items. Share notes will all participants after the meeting, being sure to protect PPI.
  • Issue Referrals: The Level 4 List Holder must issue referrals promptly after the meeting and within one business day of an agency request for a referral.
    1. BoS Coordinated Entry: Level 4 Access Points- Recording Housing Referrals Through Coordinated Entry: This resource is a step-by-step guidance on how to record housing referrals.
    2. BoS Coordinated Entry: Managing Housing Referrals: This resource explains how to manage and track referrals via Counts Report, as well as how to close PSH/RRH Referrals.
    3. Project Entries through BoS Coordinated Entry Report (Side Door Report): This report tracks whether clients in HMIS-participating Rapid ReHousing (RRH) and Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)projects were referred through Coordinated Entry. This allows the ability to identify clients lacking a recorded referral and Level 4 List Holders should follow up with agencies to ensure compliance with funder requirements.
  • Tracking Progress: Use the HMIS and resources suggested in above resources to track the client and outcomes in process. Ensure that providers are regularly updating the client record as new information and changes occur. Ensure that agency staff who input data into the HMIS are held accountable for accurate and timely data entry. Follow up with any data flags that are recognized before the next case conferencing meeting.
  • Accountability: Level 4s are empowered to run reports in the interim of case conferencing meetings to ensure accuracy across the BoS.
  • Communication and Collaboration: Foster an environment of trust and open communication among providers. Maintain momentum with consistent communication between formal meetings.

Final Thoughts

Case conferencing serves as the cornerstone of a functional Coordinated Entry System. By engaging providers through virtual meetings and electronic communication, a Level 4 List Holder can effectively facilitate the provision of services and housing to the most vulnerable populations within the geographical coverage area. Adhering to these procedures, the Level 4 List Holder plays a dynamic role in effective case conferencing, collaboration among service providers, and ultimately improving outcomes for clients within the Continuum of Care.

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