CoC-Level Outcomes Reports

As the HMIS Lead Agency for six Continuums of Care (CoCs) within the state of Missouri, ICA has developed several reports that can be utilized at a CoC-level to evaluate the performance of the projects within the CoC and the impact those projects are having. ICA has also developed versions of most of these reports that can be run by agencies on their own projects.

CoC-level reports must be run by ICA and are generally available to all six CoCs within the implementation. The majority of these reports can be provided to CoCs with two weeks' notice, though there may be some extenuating circumstances where more advance notice may be required. Project-level reports may be run by agency staff with a BusinessObjects license. 

If you have any questions about these reports, or CoC-Level Outcomes reporting in general, we encourage you to reach out to our helpdesk via the "Contact the Helpdesk" button in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.

Implementation-Wide Available Reports

Report Name Understanding the Report Running the Report
Bed Night Report Understanding the Report Running the Report
Data Timeliness Reports Understanding the Report Running the Report
GIW-Based Utilization Report Understanding the Report Running the Report
Income Measures Report Understanding the Report Running the Report

Length of Time in Homeless

Program Report

Guide under development Running the Report

Project Entries through

Coordinated Entry Reports

Understanding the Reports

Balance of State CoC

Joplin CoC*

Springfield CoC* 

St. Joseph CoC

St. Louis City CoC

St. Louis County CoC

*Guide under development

Provider Risk Score Report Understanding the Report Running the Report
Returns to Homelessness Report Guide under development Report must be run by ICA staff.
Successful Exits/Retention Report Understanding the Report Running the Report
Number of Clients Experiencing Homelessness Guide under development Running the Report
First Time Experiencing Homelessness Guide under development Report must be run by ICA staff.

CoC-Specific Reports

Reports can be requested for specific CoCs when deemed needed by the CoC's leadership. CoCs with reports designed explicitly for the specific CoC are listed below. If other leadership of other CoCs in the implementation are interested in utilizing reports like these, a request can be submitted to the ICA Missouri Reporting Team to request a version for the specific CoC.

St. Louis City CoC

Report Name Understanding the Report Running the Report
Exits to Housing with No
Income or Subsidy Report
Understanding the Report Running the Report
Referral, Start & Housing
Move-in Data Quality Report
Understanding the Report Running the Report
Vulnerable Populations Understanding the Report Running the Report

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